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As it is now April 11th, the Steam gift card raffle has officially ended! We are pleased to announce that the winner of the $10 gift card is @Phoenixxx, who will be contacted shortly to receive his prize. Phoenixxx will also receive this forum trophy:


In total, 49 users were eligible for the raffle, and we appreciate all the activity that the server launch has brought, and look forward to continuing to play with all of you.

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Today we are pleased to announce that the Infinity Evolved Skyblock server is available to play! Infinity Evolved Skyblock is a modpack from the Feed the Beast team, and is available for download on the Feed the Beast launcher or Curse Voice.

Server Address: skyblock.stonebound.net

For players that are unfamiliar with Infinity Skyblock, it's a new pack that is a modified version of Infinity Evolved Expert Mode, re-imagined as a full blown Skyblock map with tons of customizations including a trophy reward system. The pack also features new and modified recipes that are only available in expert mode versions of Infinity Evolved.

To celebrate Skyblock's launch, we will be raffling off one $10 Steam gift card. To enter, simply log in and spend four hours or more playing on the new server anytime from now through April 10th, until 11PM UTC (6PM CDT).

As a reminder, the old server, Infinity Evolved, will be rotating onto the secondary server. The original map will still be available to play for another two months, after which the map will be available to download. Along with maintaining the old server, we have also enabled a cross-server chat, allowing players to read and respond to others regardless of which server they choose to play on.

We appreciate your patience in waiting for the launch of Skyblock, and look forward to seeing you all on the server again!

Posted by (13581 Views)
24 Replies

Hey everyone!

The server has been a bit quiet the past few weeks, as almost everyone is waiting for the next server, so here's a little status update:

It looks like FTB Skyblock Expert won't be ready until next friday, so instead of choosing a different pack we decided to open up a small server to fill the gap. The server is running The Pioneers which is a 1.8.9 kitchensink pack you can download from the Curse Voice client.

Feel free to hop on, though keep in mind the server won't be around for longer than a few weeks at max, and is just meant as a playground to test out new mods! Chat is linked with the existing Infinity server, meaning both chats can be read on either server.

Address: pioneers.stonebound.net
Pack Website http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/the-pioneers

Posted by (12018 Views)
19 Replies

It is coming up on two months since our current Infinity Evolved normal mode server officially launched. As such, the staff team has discussed options for the next server pack. We have decided on an Infinity Evolved Skyblock pack, which is currently in production and we hope it will be finished soon. In the meantime, there are a few points we'd like to address before the next pack launches.

The current server will remain online for two months after the next server launches. You will still be able to play on the current server if you are not interested in playing on the Skyblock pack. There will also be a cross-server chat, so you can easily play and talk with your friends. After the two months are over, the server will be available for download and taken offline for good.

With the new pack being another version of Infinity, we have had some users request that the next pack be in expert mode. For those unfamiliar, this means much harder recipes, on top of it being a Skyblock server. To properly gage the interest, we've decided to create a poll. You are also welcome to voice any opinions, concerns, or suggestions in this thread. Again, keep in mind that the current server will still be available to play if you have no interest in the new server.

Poll is now closed, thank you to all who voted!

Posted by (2167 Views)
2 Replies

After an intense event, here are the standings from the February 6 Maze Battle:

The winners are:

1st — themonstaman
2nd — L0NExW0LF
3rd — CoolTeen123456


Tsaygara vs themonstaman — themonstaman wins 2:1

CoolTeen123456 vs L0NExW0LF — L0NExW0LF wins 2:1

CoolTeen123456 vs Tsaygara — CoolTeen123456 wins 2:0

themonstaman vs L0NExW0LF — themonstaman wins 2:0

Thank you to everyone who participated, as well as those that joined in to spectate.
We look forward to hosting more contests in the future.

As a reminder, if you are interested in hosting your own event, feel free to contact the Staff.


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