Hey guys and girls,
My IGN is Gajitz and I am and old Minecrafter I love playing skyblocks. But I haven't played in a little bit because trying to finish FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock burnt me out but now I am refreshed and ready to play something a little easier and Bacons skyblock has always been like that fun and relaxing.Also, I am 36 years old and I am looking for a mature server that has a good community if this server is that, I would be very happy to join your server (if you will have me that is). I have also run a few private servers so I know what is is like to run one and the problems that come with that.
Well, all that said I look forward to playing with everyone soon if I am whitelisted.
The SkyFactory server is pretty dead at this point, so I wouldn't recommend starting there now. If you are still interested to be whitelisted I'll do so, but I just wanted to make you aware that SkyFactory is probably gonna shut down any day now. We still have two different servers you can see here and we are planning on opening a new 1.10.2 server soon.