RFTools Dimension Deletion Request
I appear to have botched the dimension I wanted to make on the Crackpack server. It isn't anything like how it turned out in my single player test world, so I'm guessing the order of the dimlets in the enscriber matters.
The dimension ID is 2, and I would like it to be deleted so that I can remake a more suitible dimension for building my base.
done, you should get a new dimlet automagically when you login
Thanks Phit, but shouldn't you be on vacation
BTW not sure if it is supposed to work this way or not, but you can get owner dimlets from the dimlet researcher. I thought they had to be given by and admin but apparently not.
I am sitting in the sun right now!
No supposed to work like thatI'll look into it.
I like that his idea of vacation is being outside on the computer vs at his desk.
Good to know phit is a cheap date like that ; P
@MechJeb I guess we better get used to it, we barely scratched the surface of phit's mind.
may i also get a demension removed as well @phit i wanted a void world but botched it as well, i didn't really know what i was doing, ID: 15,
thanks -
done, as said in chat