Hi! I'm Ladykillrkb. I'm a teacher, mother, and gamer. I live in NJ and I'm in my 30s. If you think I'm giving you my full age, then you don't many 30 something women.
Suffice it to say, I'm an adult.
I'm an admin for a large mature gaming community, Clan Magnus Legio [CML]. My clan plays a wide variety of games in large and small groups. I started playing MC about 4 years ago, on and off. I was making fun of my clan leader for playing a child's game, having never played at the time. He bought me the game and after about 3 days, I was hooked. We played on a PvP server for a while but eventually we got bored. I recently was playing MC with the FTB Beyond mod on a friend of a friends server. Unfortunately that server has been shut down. So now I'm MC homeless.I have had some trouble finding a server compatible with the version of mods I have. However, I believe your server will work. I found your server using the googles and To be clear, I am not looking to bring my clan to the server. One or two friends might seek to join me. But they are not members of my clan.
Hopefully all of this information is useful and you will decide I am worthy.Best,
Ladykillrkb -
Hey, sorry for the wait! I just added you to our whitelist. Let me know if you have trouble connecting, but we are usually on the latest recommended version of any pack that we run on the server. Anyway welcome to Stonebound and have fun playing