username: chokitos, 17 years old, brazil, found your site just typing ''enigmatica 2 servers'' in google, im a solo player, not used to playing with large groups, love magical mods, especially thaumcraft, i have a few knowledge about industrial mods but im willing for learn, i study all day, so ill just use the computer at 10pm, i,ve been looking the server map and ill probably make some base in the magical forest in -3500,~,-500
, i dont have any history of ban or liyng, since im a honest person(well, that is what some of my friends say at least), i already had a public server with my cousin when i was 12, but because of his house change his ip adress changed as well, losing the server in process.
if you need some place to comunicate, a have discord and steam account -
Hi chokitos,
I've had a look at your application and would like to welcome you to Stonebound!
Goodluck with making a nice base, there's plenty of people around if your looking for a team thoughWe even have a bunch of Brazilian players, though all global chat is English only.