Okay so.. I've always been bad at writing resumés and stuff, but here goes!I'm a 24-year-old Swedish (filthy casual) gamer. I don't recall ever having been banned from a server, so don't really have anything to that point.
I first played MineCraft back in 2011, IIRC. Fast forward a few years, I still sometimes play modded MC every now and again.
For a long while (and probably still tbh) ThaumCraft and some of the addons for it were my absolute favourite mods, so I mostly came back to MC whenever there'd been an update to those.Then BAM 2016 happened, and I found the first ever MC community where I actually felt at home. Was some weird place called Community Built Gaming. I played for a few days, got really into it, and then I saw they were accepting mod applications. I was like "Uh yeah, that seems cool! I'm a lazy biology student with way too much free time on my hands, and I'd enjoy helping out, so why not."
So I applied, was accepted and lah-dee-dah, made some real cool friends, and was a mod and eventually admin there from April '16 till it all shut down in 2018.I spent a few weeks or months server-hopping, just y'know, seeing if there were any other chill MC communities to hang out and play with. Never really found one, though, so after a while I sorta just gave up. I figured "well minecraft seems to be declining in popularity, maybe all the good communities have just died already."
[EDIT: I thought maybe I should point out that the following paragraph is supposed to answer the question about how I found Stonebound. Just for clarity and so on.]
Fast forward another few months, and I'm on Steam and happen to see some people I used to play with being online (considering my timezone and sleep habits, that's not super common, so it caught my eye). I got curious about what they'd been playing nowadays, so I checked their profile. Among lots of things, something called "Stonebound" with a really pretty cyan-ish gradient sort of icon. Huh, wonder what that is. click Oh huh, it's a Minecraft community. I might check that out. If cool ppl I know have enjoyed it, maybe it'll be my kind of place too.
So I went to the website, and uh.. here I am!Wow, didn't mean for this to get so long. Still, seems a shame to delete it now it's there. And you did say you prefer longer applications! So yeah, I think it'd be neat to be whitelisted on your servers, and if accepted, I look forward to playing some good ol' minecraft with y'all!
Bye, thanks for your time and so on! o/
[Another EDIT:]
Oh, and I just realised I forgot to answer one of the things on the Appl. Info page: No, I don't usually lie about my age. If anything I'm starting to feel old and crickety and would prefer to wind my biological clock back a few years. I was so young and energetic! But I digress..
Bye again! -
Hello SimWer,
I've had a look over your application, and I have come to a conclusion. Welcome to Stonebound! As of this message, you have been added to our whitelist. Feel free to hop in our discord if you haven't already, since you can hang out with the rest of us there.
On a personal note from me, it's good to see you again Sim!
Good memories from CBG back in the day.
Happy mining!
-tolly765 -