Hi, my name is Patrik and my MC account is theepiccreepersh, I am 21 and from Romania, I found your community on the Dreams's modpack discord and saw that you have a LitV server and since I would like to try this modpack I thought I could play on your server so I can participate in the community. I've never been banned on any server since I like to be a nice guy and help people, you can look at me as the "nice creeper"
I tend to like the technic mods but the adventure and village focused mods also seem very interesting to me. I also like strategy games, this is why I like to also have a strategy in minecraft as well when I play. I am a mature person who likes to be friendly and helpful to anyone in need and always follow the rules and when I have any doubt about something I always ask someone who knows better. I hope you liked my application and it will convince you that I can me a good addition in the community.
Hi Patrick, thanks for sending in your application!
I'm really sorry for the long wait, hoping you're still with us. Life in the village is a fun pack for multiplayer, especially because of the flawless server performance you get with it. Plenty of interesting alternative mods and lovely colonists. I hope you enjoy playing it with us on Stonebound, you've been whitelisted to the community!
See you around!~