Hello, My name is bradin McClelland. i am a 18 year old male who really likes playing grindy minecraft modpacks like this. i also own my own I.T buissness and love working on servers. i have multiple running in my multiple offices right now. i plan on making my own server of this modpack once i figure it out. i also want to meet new people and talk with them. i am in college right now for computer information technolgy. i love working with computer hardware and have been fooling around with it since i was 6. i found you from captain sparklez video on it and dwas trying to get it to work so i was looking around. i am running ubuntu 18.10on my laptop and twitch dosent suport linux so i am trying to get a world to load correctly but it wont. i live in canada and its freaking cold. i have never been banned but i have worked on many servers. thank you for lettingg me apply and i hope to hear back from you soon
ThanK You
Bradin McClelland
In Need I.T. -
Hello randombobawesome,
I've had a look over your application, and I am happy to say that you've been accepted on our whitelist! I would say free to stop by our discord if you need any help, but you've already done that
I hope you enjoy your time with us!