HopeEternal applying to join the community
Hi my Minecraft username is HopeEternal.
I found out about this server from my son. I know you asked for age but I will just say I am 40+(please don't make me say it) and I have a 22 year old son who already is part of your community. ( I will not embarrass him by telling you his name) I know it may seem odd for an older adult woman to play Minecraft but I just love it. I work from home teaching English as a second language online. That leaves me a lot of time between classes sitting at a computer with nothing to do. I have spent quite a bit of time over the 2 years playing different mods and I love sky factory but I have been at end game for quite a while and I am excited about stone block. I love to help people and trading. I rarely ask for help because I love the challenge of starting from scratch and building something amazing. But I love to help others. After reading the rules I know giving people things is discouraged to reduce begging, So I will do my best to stick to trading.
I would love to work as a team but generally I end up working alone as I guess I am just quiet that way.
Thank you for taking the time to consider me for your community. -
I find it normal for all kinds of different age groups (Including 40+) to be playing Minecraft. Working from home is nice, tons of free time after work is finished.
I loved infinity evolved expert mode skyblock! I'm going to accept your application and whitelist you. Stop by discord whenever you have a question and hope you have a great time on the server!!!
Thanks so much I am excited to join I will get on discord right away.