Hello, I am a 15 year old girl from the US and would like to join your server. I know I am a year under the server-age requirement, but I was hoping I'd still be considered! I have a lot of experience with modded minecraft, I've been playing since Tekkit and all those 1.6.4 and older packs! I love everything about modded, the tech, magic, exploration, and just the wide range of possibilities and variety it includes! I will be fairly active on the server and try my best to swing by every day whether it be for a few hours or just a little bit. If I do get accepted I will share my discord/skype or whatever information you need for those kinds of things. Also, my ign is the same as it is on here. I guess that's all I have to say and I hope I'm considered.
Thanks for your time.
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server.
Unfortunately, based on a closer look at your Minecraft player history, we don't feel you would be a good fit here.
I hope that you understand, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a server that is suitable for you.